Image-to-3D HyperGen

HyperGen™ Image-to-3D works as follows:

  1. Image Upload: Users upload their images to the MIRAI world builder.

  2. Image Analysis: The image is analyzed using advanced algorithms to detect shapes, colors, and textures.

  3. Model Generation: The analyzed image data is used to generate a 3D model.

  4. Model Optimization: The generated 3D model is optimized for rendering and interaction within the game.


  • IuI_u be the user uploaded image

  • AA be the analyzed image data.

  • MM be the 3D model of the object.

  • GG be the function for generating a new 3D model.

  • OO be the function for optimizing the 3D model.

  • II be the function for importing the 3D model into the world.

The process can be described as follows:

IuAnalyzeImage(Iu)G(A)O(G(A))I(M)I_u \rightarrow \text{AnalyzeImage}(I_u) \rightarrow G(A) \rightarrow O(G(A)) \rightarrow I(M)


  • IuI_u is the user uploaded image.

  • AnalyzeImage(Iu)AnalyzeImage(I_u) function analyzes the uploaded image to detect shapes, colors, and textures.

  • G(A)G(A) generates a 3D model based on the analyzed image data.

  • O(M)O(M) optimizes the generated 3D model for rendering and interaction within the game.

  • I(M)I(M) imports the 3D model into the world

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