Synthetic Derivative RWAs

What are Synthetic Derivative RWAs (SD-RWAs)?

Uploaded images that are turned into 3D models using HyperGen™ have the option to be converted into fixed or unlimited quantity interchain NFTs powered by the Axelar Network. This means that a user can set an initial trading price for their uploaded image with a specified total mintable quantity. Other users can then purchase that NFT representation of the 3D model and place it in their MIRAI worlds. This opens up new opportunities for trading, allowing artists, creators, and even average users to bring their real-life creations or items into the metaverse and monetize them by allowing others to own them.


  • PP: Initial trading price set by the user.

  • QQ: Total mintable quantity set by the user.

  • NN: Number of NFTs purchased by other users.

  • RR: Revenue generated by the user.

The revenue RR generated by the user can be calculated as:

R=PNR = P * N

where NQN ≤ Q.

Last updated